
Are you ready to explore your spiritual side?

When you tap into your soul’s joy, wisdom and Higher plan, everything starts to make perfect sense.

Maybe you’re…

  • Looking for spiritual healing. You want to bring more soul qualities into your life like joy, love, and abundance. You’re ready to open your creativity, work through your relationship contracts, raise your vibration, get grounded and centered. Or you might want help finishing past karma that keeps you stuck in limiting patterns and blocks your potential for an extraordinary life. 
  • Trying to sort out a few things with an intuitive reading. You may want some life guidance and practical insight so you can finally make sense out of a relationship, clarify your direction, chart your future, or understand the “why” behind your current life situation or problem. 
  • Hoping to talk to loved ones, friends or beloved pets who have crossed over. You miss them and want to make sure they’re okay, tell them how much you love them and receive the messages they have for you. 
  • A soul seeker, ready to step into your true path, purpose, and passion. You know you’re here for a reason.  You want to find your calling, understand your soul’s higher plan, and make sure you’re on track with what you came here to learn, do, and share. 
  • Curious about your past lives.  You want to know about your soul’s history, figure out why you have certain tendencies, phobias, or patterns (so they can shift), learn about the people in your soul family, and embrace the spiritual power, gifts and wisdom you hold within from other lifetimes.
  • Interested in private instruction, classes, or group training. You’d like to develop your intuition, learn to connect with your guides, strengthen your extra-sensory skills or become a professional healer. 

This is an extraordinary time to lean into the beauty of your soul and tap into higher levels of consciousness…

…but with all of the distractions and stresses in life today…

…it’s not always easy to stay connected to your soul’s joy — or to feel a connection to the spiritual dimension.

You might be seeking other worldly help – like guidance, messages and signs that you’re going in the right direction…

…because when you’re going through a BIG challenge or living in stressful situations, you may struggle to feel your soulfulness and light shining from within – or to know your higher purpose and passion – or to connect to your Higher Self and inner guidance.

If you’re looking for something to light your way through difficult times, you’re not alone.

Millions of people are searching – now more than ever – for something that can support them through life’s upheavals, stresses and fears.

If you’re like many of my clients, you’re also trying to figure out what the point is – of all of the chaos and craziness in our world.

Well, this is a very good thing…

…because it’s prompting a yearning for more spiritual purpose,
life meaning and a deeper heart and soul connection.

The real point (or purpose) of everything is always found at the spiritual level.

And it’s something your soul already knows and has planned for.

  When you open the door to the spiritual dimension in your life, all things become possible. And while the spiritual world seems invisible to most people, it is the most powerful force for healing, change and transformation available to us. It’s always there – in every cell of your body and every star in the universe. It’s woven in and out of everything in our physical world. And it’s waiting silently and patiently for you to ask for what you want and need in a heartfelt way. And then – when you invite this beautiful, amazing and miraculous energy into your life… …well, it can move mountains, help you heal just about anything, and bring your whole world into balance. If you’re struggling to find your way right now or to make sense out of your experience…. …or you’ve tried to feel better, get well and manifest your dreams… …and you’re still not where you want to be or getting the results you want… It’s probably because…

Everything is happening (or not happening) for a reason.

And those reasons are not always what you think they are or expect them to be. The highs, the lows – and even the times when nothing much is happening – all serve your Higher Spiritual Plan. The one you made before you were born. As human beings, there’s one thing that we can all count on… …we will have challenges. Lots of them.

Because, by their very nature, challenges prompt healing, change and transformation.

  Okay, well maybe what I really mean is that they force us to shift and change in bigger ways than we would choose to do otherwise!

If you’re like a lot of my clients, you may be…

  • struggling with a major challenge in your health, relationships, or emotions
  • getting through the loss of a loved one, friend or beloved pet
  • interested in resolving karmic relationships and clearing patterns
  • wanting to move beyond fear, survival and lack

Or you might simply be…

  • searching for answers about your soul’s journey, calling and history
  • wanting to deepen your spiritual connection and practice
  • looking for spiritual guidance to sort something out
  • trying to hone your intuition, guidance and healing abilities

Regardless of the reason you may be seeking spiritual healing, support, guidance or instruction, one thing is for sure…

When your soul’s wisdom is grounded within your human experience…

…you begin to see the perfection of your Divine Plan unfolding…

 …and suddenly life begins to flow with more ease and grace.

As you learn about yourself as a spiritual being, you gain the information and knowledge you need to be successful as a soul living this human experience.  This is often one of the biggest missing pieces of the puzzle.

When you know yourself fully, then everything makes sense and your life has purpose and meaning – even through challenges.

And here’s the thing…

…if you’re going to have to work through giant challenges no matter what…

…why not know what the lesson plan actually is?

The plan you made (before you were born) for the qualities you wanted to bring in, the growth you wanted to gain, the lessons you wanted to learn – all so you could heal, grow and evolve as a result of walking through this life.

This is like turning a beam of light on high – so you can see your way through the darkness.

Then you reap the benefits! The silver lining that’s always built in to every challenge you face.

And all of those awful times and painful losses become powerful opportunities for expansion and blessings that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

When you ace your lessons and master this reality, you become more spiritually awake, conscious and aware on every level.

And then — just like the phoenix rising up out of the ashes — you can make sure that something really good comes out of whatever you’re going through.

If you’re like a lot of my clients, you may have a lot of soulful questions.

Like, “How can I…

  • live my spiritual purpose and passion?”
  • connect with my Higher Self and inner guidance?”
  • navigate my challenges with more awareness?”
  • create the life I want?”
  • get out of survival mode and live abundantly?”
  • hone my intuition and tap into my soul’s wisdom?”
  • clear past karmas?”

…and so on.

Your questions are important guides because the answers can help you make better decisions, make sure you’re going the right way, and fulfill your soul’s chosen plan and intentions.

But getting in touch with those answers can be tricky.

That’s where I come in…

For over 30 years, I’ve helped tens of thousands of people sort out the foggy, confusing areas of their lives so that everything starts to make sense.


I can help you answer these and other BIG life questions, clear spiritual burdens, tap into your soul’s joy, know your spiritual purpose and express your wisdom and gifts. 

There are so many ways to explore your spiritual side – through spiritual healings, readings, past life regressions and DIY learning through workshops and training. 

It doesn’t matter how you go about it.

It just matters that you explore your spiritual side in a way that feels right to you. 

And there’s an added bonus… 

When you use the BIG problems in your life as a springboard for deep healing, personal growth and spiritual evolution, they will bring you great personal and spiritual rewards. 

And you’ll feel more in touch with your soul’s light, passion, wisdom and gifts – which naturally helps you, your loved ones and the world.


  • Being grounded and centered – because you’ve integrated your soul’s light into your life.
  • Walking securely on your spiritual path, with full purpose and passion – and feeling good about it!
  • Easily tapping into higher levels of consciousness through your intuition, inner wisdom and           spiritual guidance.
  • Being connected with your soul’s gifts, strength and power – and sharing them in the world.
  • Living in true abundance – and knowing how to create everything you want and more.
  • Raising your vibration so you spread more light and love to the world.
  • Restoring wholeness in your aura, chakras and energy centers so you have more “good” energy.
  • Embracing the magic and beauty of your soul’s journey and history.

It’s all possible.
And it’s all waiting for you.

 Learn more about how I work with my clients here.

If you're ready to explore more deeply, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call with me.

In this free private call
(via phone, what’s app, Zoom, or Skype), we will talk about…
  • what’s going on and the areas you want help with.
  • the vision you have for your new, improved life – full of vibrant health, wellbeing, happiness, abundance and spiritual fulfillment.
  • the biggest roadblocks that you think are keeping you stuck.
  • my experience with others who are dealing with similar types of problems or conditions you are going through, including the process we did and the results they got.
  • a plan for you to “get there” and start moving forward.

Or learn more about areas you may be struggling with…


Restore and build vibrant health, energy, vitality and mobility.


Feel lasting emotional wellbeing, inner calm and happiness.


Create real intimacy, enjoy rewarding relationships and improve your family dynamics.


“Dearest Donna, there is a remarkable shift since our healing session and your loving work with me. I am thankful to have you in my life. I am doing the work you recommended – acknowledging, consciously, the spiritual accomplishment, and it is changing my mind, my heart, my relationships, my work. Thank you.”
– Barbara B., Arizona

“…the reading was truly an empowering experience and I have been feeling wonderful allowing my heart to lead me in my choices. I truly honor what you share!”
– Caralise McIntosh, Colorado

“Donna is my confidant, spiritual advisor, healer, soul sister and friend. She has helped me on every step of my path of enlightenment and ascension.”
– Gretchen Bolton, Arizona

“Donna, I will always be grateful for the innumerable ways you have made my life better, and the love and compassion you displayed to me and my Uncle Eddie after he passed. You are a very remarkable healer.”
– Bob H., California

“…I think the reading turned a corner for me and I see Tim’s passing in a different light now because of it…yea! I see him now as still my “little guy” but also a great soul with such wonderful qualities of love and compassion. I am truly humbled, proud and amazed. I can feel my thoughts of sadness calming down and dissipating into feelings of happiness and wonderful thoughts. It is a very good feeling, so much better than the sadness and despair. We cannot thank you enough.”
– Pam Brunson, California

“…I feel that the information Donna relayed to me was absolutely right on with what I’m going through, and exactly what I needed to know to move forward in a positive way to have the life I’ve dreamed of!
– Denise Davis, Colorado

“…Donna’s patient guidance not only helped me to feel connected to my own soul, my guides, and my angels, but to realize that I have the ability to initiate healing in others. I have never felt so energized and alive in my whole life. Thank you Donna for helping me to actualize such a profound transformation within me.”
– JoAnne Hibbard, Colorado